"What the Thunder Said" Annotations

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(Stanza 7)
(Stanza 8)
Line 170: Line 170:
==Stanza 8==
==Stanza 8==
===Lines 424-426===
     I sat upon the shore
     I sat upon the shore
     Fishing, with the arid plain behind me
     Fishing, with the arid plain behind me
     Shall I at least set my lands in order?
     Shall I at least set my lands in order?
===Line 427===
     London Bridge is falling down falling down falling down
     London Bridge is falling down falling down falling down
===Lines 428-430===
     Poi s'ascose nel foco che gli affina
     Poi s'ascose nel foco che gli affina
     Quando fiam ceu chelidon - O swallow swallow
     Quando fiam ceu chelidon - O swallow swallow
     Le Prince d'Aquitaine a la tour abolie 430
     Le Prince d'Aquitaine a la tour abolie 430
===Lines 431-432===
     These fragments I have shored against my ruins
     These fragments I have shored against my ruins
     Why then Ile fit you. Hieronymo's mad againe.
     Why then Ile fit you. Hieronymo's mad againe.
===Lines 433-434===
     Datta. Dayadhvam. Damyata.
     Datta. Dayadhvam. Damyata.
     Shantih shantih shantih
     Shantih shantih shantih

Revision as of 23:35, 11 September 2012

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