The Life of Kanye West

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(Last Call, The College Dropout, 10 February 2004)
(Gold Digger, Late Registration, 30 August 2005)
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===Gold Digger, Late Registration, 30 August 2005===
===Gold Digger, Late Registration, 30 August 2005===
Money is used frequently and mostly in the hook of this song. Gold Digger is one of Kanye West's most popular songs ever and it was released in his second album Late Registration. The verse "She take my money when I'm in need" is echoed throughout the song and is sung by Jamie Foxx who is impersonating Ray Charles in the song. Money is used to talk about a gold digger. The word money was text mined because if the lyrics included Kanye boasting about his money it could represent narcissism but that is not the case in this song. This song is not a narcissistic song.
===Hey Mama, Late Registration, 30 August 2005===
===Hey Mama, Late Registration, 30 August 2005===

Revision as of 15:45, 24 April 2017

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