BLAST, World War I, and Tonal Shifts

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I'm going to compare the blast and bless sections in the first and second edition. In the first edition, there are many of them covering many different topics, with varying font sizes and strange placement on the page. It looks very unusual and is a large part of what gave the first Blast its identity. In the second edition, the blast and blesses are all the same font size, all centered on the page, and are mostly names of people and companies, with a few unexpected exceptions, such as blast birth-control and bless the war loan.
Both issues of ''BLAST'' have a section where they list off things to blast, which the authors do not like, and things to bless, which the authors approve of. In the first issue, the blast/bless section is 17 pages long, at the very front of the magazine. Several of the pages blast or bless one topic in particular, including England, France, and British humor. There are also a couple of pages with blast or bless at the very top and then lists of different people, organizations, or objects, all of which are spread out unevenly over the page. The entire section looks very unusual and has a lot of different font sizes and different fonts, even sometimes changing fonts and size several times on the same page. It looks as if they definitely are trying to make a point, but they are also trying to be humorous. The blast/bless section of the first issue was by far the most well known part of the magazine, and was for the most part what people first thought of when they heard ''BLAST'' magazine mentioned.
Andrew Warfield
In the second issue, the blast/bless section is very different. It is towards the end of the magazine, so that most likely a lot of readers never even reached it, and it is only two pages long. They abandoned the style of blasting or blessing one topic in particular and instead just have one page of things to blast and one page of things to bless. The writing is all centered on the page, and much more organized than even the list of things to blast or bless in the first issue. The list is also much shorter, and it is intended to be much less humorous as a large portion of the things being blasted or blessed have to do with the war. Overall, the blast/bless section in the second issue is just much more gloomy and much shorter, obviously intended to be less central to the magazine's identity.
==='Life is the Important Thing!'/'Artists and the War'===
==='Life is the Important Thing!'/'Artists and the War'===

Revision as of 18:28, 17 April 2017

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