How has the War affected the characters of The Sun Also Rises

In the Sun Also Rises, the War has affected the characters in different ways. It has affected Jake in the fact that he cannot have healthy realtionships, due to his war wound. He is damaged and cannot drag anyone into a relationship with him, even so. This causes Jake to withdraw from his friends and the rest of society. He has issues with being on the fringe group of society. 

Britt is also damged due to the war. She has a problem with staying in relationship. She is in love with the idea of being in love but cannot find anyone who meets her dream and reality. She is fickle in her affections and not many men can keep her attention for very long. This is due, in part to the war because she is now afraid that everyone she loves will leave her. So, Britt pushes everyone away, one -by-one in order to keep her sanity after the war.