Intellectual Introduction

My name is Toby Decker, and I am currently a junior at TU.  Like most college students, my interests have changed throughout my academic career.  Originally I wanted to be a minister, but after a couple of years of apprenticeship in Mexico City, I decided to complete a liberal arts degree.  Choosing to be an English major happened by circumstance while I was attending Tulsa Community College.  I was in the honors program there, and since the majority of honors classes at the school are offered by the English department, I became an English major.  Since transferring to TU, I've found it necessary to double major in Education in order to be eligible for grants that will help me complete my education.  So maybe I'm something of a sellout for simply pursuing the degree that I can pay for, but times are's a recession/recovery out there!  I took Dr. Drouin's digital humanities course last semester, and that's when I found out about this WWI course.  The idea of working with primary source material in special collections is what especially appeals to me.  During the digital humanities course I worked with a classmate on a project in which we used orginal publications of both The Dial and The Criterion--the two periodicals that first published T.S. Eliot's The Waste Land.  I enjoyed that opportunity, so I decided to pursue this class.  I look forward to working with and learning with you all!


Welcome, Toby. There will be ample opportunity to continue the kind of archival research you and Elizabeth did last semester. For anyone who's interested, you can see some of their work here: