Loss of Youth

The main thing that stands out to me from Vera Brittain’s The Testament of Youth is that most of the war’s true victims were extremely young. Those fighting or helping with the fighting, such as Vera working as a nurse, were my age, and many were even years younger. These people, many just children really, witnessed and were involved in some of the most heinous acts there are to see. These events were so horrendous that they numbed the soldiers and nurses by making them grow old much too quickly. This meant that the young people of this time were not given the slow and steady growth that other modern generations were given. These people lost out on forming their own identities, and those who had an identity lost theirs. The only identities for the soldiers and nurses of this time were related to their duties; soldiers were simply soldiers and nurses simply nurses. As they were shaped by war, war became all they knew; the concept of war was almost their identity itself, and thus they could not imagine a world without it. The youth the 1910s were simply identified by their duties, and after years of war, they were set-up to be lost in a different world when the fighting was over.


I very much agree with your statement. I believe that another example of the war shaping or even destroying  the ideals and views of the youth can be seen in Roland, who is initially described as viewing war as a path to honor and glory, but quickly grows disgusted at such sentiments when he witnesses the atrocities of war first hand.

The hardest part was the fact that those participating in the war were so young. Many joined as an obligation/honor toward their country, none really knew the meaning of what they were about to get themselves into. Vera mentions countless times in the book where she was not prepared for the realities of war.she was not the only one; it was really a whole nation, and a whole world who lost 'their innocence of youth' during this time.  This was not only because they were so young, but so innocent.  A young person of today has not only had history, but the images of media, books, photographs to grow much more realistic in their view of war. 

Jeanine de Leon-Maestas