Vera Brittain’s War so far

The most significant aspect of Vera Brittain’s war experience was her awareness of feeling. I think that through reading Brittain’s accounts of nursing during World War I, it is apparent that many people, in and out of combat, experienced a loss of feeling. In “Camberwell Versus Death”, Brittain frequently writes to Roland, fearing that one day she will not feel compassion towards her patients. In her short time working as a nurse, she has picked up on a lack of compassion from other nurses in the hospital. I think this feeling relates to the public and the war because eventually, much of the world became numb to the effects of war. Brittain’s acute awareness is significant because she never wants to discredit the seriousness of the injuries. Her take on nursing speaks volumes about the war because she realizes the effects of the war, and how it can change a person’s core values.