
It is quite interesting that people do not seem to be effected, pay attention or even care about what is going on around them unless it is affecting them personally. The war did not really effect Vera until the man she loved decided he needed to go and then was going to the front lines of war. Her entire demeaner changed. As Vera grew and changed I think she came to realise that people did not notice what was happening unless it was happening to them. She could no longer remain in her current position while her fiance went off to fight. The best way for her to still be connected to Roland was to join in the fight. She remained closest to Roland by helping where she could as a nurse. The love between Vera and Roland was so pure and solid that no matter what they were going through or how far apart they were from each other they still continued to support and love each other as best as they could. The most significant part for me is the end of this chapter. Vera did everything she could to be strong and to share her love with Roland and she was so close to seeing him again when the worst happens. I wonder how her story conitnues. No matter how it does her life will never be the same.

The war happened to a lot of people and millions of people have their own stories just like Vera. The thing that bothers me, which I believe is true even for the present day fighting, is that even though the war is going on every day, continuing for years, the only people that are being affected are the ones with loved ones fighting on the lines or supporting the solidiers from home. If people are not directly involved they are going to ignore what is happening right around them. Nothing ever comes good from war. All war brings is death and tragedy and sorrow. The people that survive the war are the lucky ones and the only people that appreciate them are the people that supported them the entire way. I wonder if Vera would have ever realised this if Roland did not go to war. In one way it was good for both of them that he did, but unfortunately it does not end well for either of them. No matter how much hope and strength a person has sometimes it just isn't enough and that is just one of the many harsh realities of war.