First Post

Hi I'm Christopher hollingworth. I'm an english major. The reason why I decided to take this class is because I find WWI to be a very interesting time period, and one that I have been taught relatively little about in my prior education. From what I have been taught, WWI may not have ended all wars, but it did CHANGE all wars, introducing new technologies and methods of fighting which violently destroyed both old tactics, and old ways of thinking about matters such as war, honor, duty, patriotism, and international policy. Because of this, I look forward to learning more about WWI.

Blog Post #1

The reason I chose to take this World War I course is because I am a history major, and the course fits perfectly into my major, my interests, and my schedule. My journey to becoming a history major has been down a long and pretty complicated path. Although I graduated from high school only a year and a half ago and should not have had much time to change my major multiple times, I was a concurrent college student for two years during high school. That extra time in college gave me extra time to consider and reconsider my major. I have claimed various majors along the way: computer science, business, accounting, and even energy management, but none of those majors made me happy because I could not actually picture myself in any of those jobs. Most of my choices were money-driven choices – I was choosing majors that seemed to make the people around me proud.  They were “smart” choices. Midway through last semester, I decided I had to make myself happy because I was going to suffer through jobs I thought were boring for me. At that point, I started seriously considering other dramatically different options. As I did that, I completely disregarded the aspect of money and traditional “job success” and focused on my own happiness. After a few months of contemplation, I looked back on my fourteen years of schooling and discovered that all my favorite classes had been history courses, and all my favorite teachers were history teachers. At that point, I quickly decided that history was the best choice for my real happiness, and that is ultimately why I am in this World War I course. This course is part of my road to my own unconventional happiness.

Welcome to World War I

Welcome to the course blog for ENGL 3373: World War I, which is cross-listed with History and Women's Studies. Take a look around and familiarize yourself with the site. Here is the Charlie Chaplin clip that we watched in class today.

