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U.S. Navy: "Here he is, Sir"
This poster features an avuncular Uncle Sam clasping a young woman on the back as she leads her male companion towards enlistment. The caption, "Here…
Featured Collection
A collection of digitized correspondence from Special Collections at McFarlin Library, The University of Tulsa.
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21. Chateau-Thierry. Hill 204 and Valley of the Marne
This picture is amazing when you really think about its significance. The photographer likely had no idea that a large campaign deciding the fate of…
Tulsa Historical Society Collection: Wounded African American man at War Bond Rally; African American man in early war uniform
Collection of four photographs of two unidentified African American soldiers in uniform. Three of the photographs are of a wounded African American…
Unknown Soldier, US Army 5th Infantry Division WWI Diary
A small leatherbound pocket diary that features an embossed advertisement for 'The House of Crane' cigars; It includes pre-printed materials from…