WGS Mentor Award

The University of Tulsa Women’s and Gender Studies Program’s

Linda J. Lacey Award for Mentoring Excellence – Call for Nominations


**Deadline:  Friday, 16 February 2018**


The TU Women’s and Gender Studies Program is accepting nominations for the 11th annual Linda J. Lacey Award for Mentoring Excellence.  Our definition of a mentor is someone who empowers others, helps create opportunities, collaborates, supports, encourages, advises, shares knowledge, and gives specific feedback.  We encourage nominations from TU students, staff, and faculty.  The nominee can be any student, staff member, or faculty member at TU, or a community member.  Note that past awardees of the Mentoring Excellence Award are ineligible (the Award can be won only once), as are the Director or Co-Directors of the Women’s and Gender Studies Governing Board. The award includes inscription on a plaque and $500 and will be presented at the WGS spring reception.


Before preparing a nomination, please contact Diane Britton (britton@utulsa.edu) to confirm the individual you wish to nominate is not a past recipient. To nominate a student, staff, community member, or faculty for this award, please send the following information to Diane Britton (britton@utulsa.edu) by Friday,16 February 2018:


•       The name and contact information of your nominee

•       Your name and contact information

•       A one-page letter describing why you think the nominee is a superlative mentor.


Your letter should include specific examples of mentoring excellence with respect to the criteria listed above.  Your nominee need not have offered you or others all these forms of guidance, but clear examples of influential mentoring will allow the award committee to make more informed decisions. Finally, if your nominee has demonstrated a notable commitment to women’s and gender studies, please explain.


Past Awardees:

2007–Rev. Nancy Eggen, United Campus Ministries

2008–Prof. Lara Foley, Department of Sociology

2009–Prof. Elana Newman, Department of Psychology

2010–Ms. Sherry Walkabout, Director of Paralegal Studies

2011–Prof. Joanne Davis, Department of Psychology

2012–Prof. Carol Lambert, Department of Communication Disorders

2013–Prof. Jan Wilson, Department of History

2014–Prof. Jennifer Airey, Department of English

2015–Applied Instructor Claire Cornell, Entrepreneurship of Responsibilities Director, Senior Vice Provost and Professor Winona Tanaka, Office of the Provost

2016–Prof. Holly Laird, Department of English

2017–Prof. Kirsten Olds

The University of Tulsa